Life, METU Department of Architecture 2015,
Team: Zuhal Acar, Nuri Arıkoğlu, Ezgi Balkanay, Can Baykan, Sinem Çınar, Mualla Erkılıç, Vacit Imamoğlu, Gökçe Önal, Fatih Cengiz Öz, Güven Arif Sargın, Barış Yağlı, Fatih Yavuz, Yıldırım Yavuz, Yiğit Acar.
As a continuation of Arch 201 Elements, The Life studio built upon the same focus on the potential of atypical architecture, aiming to cultivate students' sensitivity towards urban life and the urban community. The studio project revolved around the concept of a communal house and a private urban house, incorporating additional social functions. Each student was tasked with designing solutions for both design problems within the urban design framework established by the instructors. The studio concluded with the creation of a model for a large community located in the center of a small industrial town (Eskişehir).
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